Ten Simple Ways The Pros Use To Promote Thailand Travel

The important thing that Thai people are concerned with, especially with male tourists, is that they shouldn't do something inappropriate to Thai women. Aside from that, most of Thailand is safe, and there are just a few people who are violent. Basically, Thai people are friendly and willing to welcome you to enjoy your trip in Thailand.

Police frequently raid nightclubs, particularly in Bangkok , with full body searches on all patrons. Some Tuk-tuk drivers might demand much higher price than agreed, or they might take you to a sex show, pretending they didn't understand the address (they get commissions from sex shows). Leo and Archa are both 5%, and Archa is the cheapest of all in the 711.

Singha Brewing launched the lower priced Leo brand to compete more effectively with Chang (very popular among locals and expats) and Archa (cheapest, but the taste is not as nice, it's not sold in the bars often, but is available in almost any 7-11) being among the most popular. There are also some cheaper local beers. Chang has a reputation for having an inconsistent alcohol content, where sometimes a few Chang beers can be more potent than expected.

Singha Light comes in at 3.5%, Chang Draught is 5% and Chang Light is 4.2%. There is also now a Chang Export brand at 5%. Both are strong in alcohol percentage, gives a little spicy taste (for Europeans, you can refer them to Leffe or Duvel) rather than blended smoothness of German beers (Erdinger or Paulaner). Both Singha and Chang beer are fairly strong (Chang being 6.0% now as at 2014-was 6.4% , and Singha 5%), but for those who prefer something a bit lighter, both local brands have introduced low-alcohol versions of their beers. Up-market Top Hotel in Thailand bars and restaurants are probably the only places that are realistically likely to be exempt.

There are also occasional days throughout the year when alcohol can't be sold anywhere - even the smaller mom & pop shops normally adhere to the rules on these days, and most bars and pubs do too (although you can probably find a beer somewhere if you're desperate enough). Gotu kola has many properties e.g. decrease acne, cure bruised inside,maintain the brain, support blood flow. Some seller may add sugar for the better taste.

Gotu kola water (น้ำใบบัวบก naam bai bua bok) : is the herbal that has cooling effect within a body. These are the places to look for if you want that triple-moccha latte with hazelnut swirl and are willing to pay 75 baht for the privilege. The Starbucks phenomenon has also arrived in Thailand, but for the moment local competitors Black Canyon Coffee and S&P still have the edge in marketshare.

Available at restaurants and also from vendors that specialize in fruit juice. If you do end up at McD's, at least try the un-Maclike fried chicken with McSomTam (green papaya salad). And yes, you can find the usual McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Komalas etc if you insist.